日期:2020-12-31  来源:beat365中文版官方网站  浏览量:185

1 结合代数上的粗糙集  李小朝 模糊系统与数学   2020

2 一类覆冰悬索退化系统的中心判定    陈莹   安徽大学学报(自然科学版)  2019

3 The Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Optimal Strategy of the Tobacco Control 庞留勇 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine   2019

4 Mathematical modeling and dynamic analysis of anti-tumor immune response 庞留勇Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing   2019

5 Mathematical model for continuous delayed single-species population with impulsive state feedback control  陈莹   Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing  2019

6 蓄电池正极板在异常固化条件下的结构变化   王慧敏 电源技术   2018

7 双枝模糊集的分解    刘保仓 信阳师范学院学报(中文核心)    2018

8 Randomized quasi-random sampling/importance resampling    陶会强Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation   2018

9 Effect of rhizosphere dispersal and impulsive input on the growth of wetland plant    赵中   Mathematics and Computers in Simulation   2018

10 Dynamic analysis of an anti-tumor model and investigation of the therapeutic effect for different treatment regimens   庞留勇 Computational & Applied Mathematics    2018

11 4类平面多项式微分系统的Lyapunov量复算法  陈莹 济南大学学报(自然科学版) 2018


